- ‘TTIP Light’ draws scant support within EU – Handelsblatt
- “Closing the Gap” by Robin Cammarota
- “Der Fluss des Wissens” by 2016 McCloy Fellow Christian Schwaegerl
- “Everything that’s possible! Why the West is doing a lot for Ukraine, but not enough” By Norbert Röttgen
- “Is Data the New Oil?” by Benjamin RohĂ©, 2011 Young Leader
- “Postcard from Dresden: What it’s like to be a Refugee in Germany’s Conservative Stronghold” – Jacob Kushner, 2016 McCloy Fellow
- “We Need A Robust Transatlantic Alliance” by Ambassador Peter Wittig
- “Wilkommen im Sumpf” by Simon Book, 2016 McCloy Fellow
- “Germany, Europe and the United States: A strategic partnership facing new challenges?” – Minister Heiko Maas
- “Of Course the Fräulein is an Expert: Female Leadership and Expertise in Transatlantic Think Tanks” by Carolin Wefer, 2018 McCloy Fellow
- “Strengthening the European Transatlantic Pillar: Can Germany lead in Europe without Dominating? – by Prof. James D. Bindenagel
- 30 Years Since the Fall of the Wall – by Ambassador Richard W. Fisher
- 40th Anniversary of the ACG Fellowships
- A Celebrity Philosopher Explains the Populist Insurgency – Article by Thomas Meaney, 2017 Hunt Fellow
- A Letter from the Dr. Steven E. Sokol – January 2022
- A tectonic shift in German foreign policy has come when the world needs it most – by Rob Fenstermacher and Steven E Sokol in The Hill
- ACG President on NPR
- Ambassador John B. Emerson Named ACG Chairman
- America and Germany are about so much more than Trump – Denis McDonough, Steven E. Sokol, David Deissner
- American Council on Germany to Receive Major Gift from the Estate of Past President Richard M. Hunt
- As Temperatures Rise, European Politics Heat Up
- Auto 232 puts Germany in US Trade Crosshairs by 2018 McCloy Fellow Michael Cowden
- Bad Bots machen sich im Internet breit und richten Milliardenschäden an by Florian Sturm
- Borderland – Undocumented Migrants In The United States
- Climate Change at Davos – How Markets Are Pushing Businesses and Governments Toward a Sustainable Future
- Climate Crisis, Growing Expertise, and Resistance to Populism — Three Reasons for the Success of the German Greens by Elia Panskus
- Closing The Innovation Funding Gap
- Congratulations to Our Friend and Colleague Dr. Steven E. Sokol
- Delegation von US-Landwirten informiert sich im GrĂĽnen Zentrum
- Der Blick ĂĽber den Tellerand
- Deutsche und Amerikaner sehen gemeinsame Wertebasis schwinden – Oliver Georgi
- Deutsche und Amerikaner zweifeln an gemeinsamer Wertebasis – Julianne Schäuble
- Deutschland macht sich klein. Das muss aufhören! by ACG President Dr. Steven E. Sokol
- Development German Delegation Gets Close Look at Tech Transition
- Eine historische Wahl
- Europe’s Illusions by Dr. Steven E. Sokol, Jackson Janes, et al.
- From Helmets to Hardware: Germany’s Major Policy Pivot by Dr. Steven E. Sokol
- German and European Politics in Times of Disruption
- German Diplomat Speaks to UW Students About Shifting World Order
- Germany is a key ally of and partner to Tennessee | Opinion
- Germany Sets the Bar for Embracing Industry 4.0 – by Matthew Fieldman, Blaine Griffin, Mindy McLaughlin and David Megenhardt
- Germany’s Uncertain Future – Interview with ACG Chairman Amb. Robert M. Kimmitt
- Getting to Know the New Chairman, John B. Emerson
- Hot Topics Call on How Germans and Americans View Transatlantic Relations
- How to Make Liberal Democracy Great Again
- In Memoriam: ACG Director Emeritus Lieutenant General Brent Scowcroft
- In Memoriam: Former ACG Board Member Dr. Guido Goldman
- In Memoriam: Former ACG President Dr. Richard M. Hunt
- In Memoriam: Longtime ACG Board Member Dr. Henry A. Kissinger
- Issues Influencing the Transatlantic Relationship During the COVID-19 Pandemic with John B. Emerson and Sigmar Gabriel
- January 2017 – A Message from Dr. Steven E. Sokol
- Launch of McCloy Leadership Mission on Urban Affairs and Sustainability
- Ohne MĂĽll by Kerstin Ruskowski
- Podcast: “Panel Discussion on the end of Jamaica coalition talks”
- Podcast: Panel Discussion on When Cities Collaborate
- Rebuilding Trust: How Germany Can be a Reliable Partner
- Redefining the Indispensable Relationship – by Dr. Steven E. Sokol
- Reflecting on Wednesday’s Capitol Siege
- Reflecting on xenophobia and the National Socialist Underground
- Reflections on 1989 by Ed McFadden
- Reflections on the 75th Anniversary of the End of WWII
- Reflections on the U.S. Election
- Relations with Germany matter for a healthy Idaho future – by Ricklef Beutin and Steven E Sokol
- Remembering Helmut Kohl
- Social Housing’s role in the German Refugee Crisis by Joshua Crites, 2012 McCloy Fellow
- Standing United in an Unprecedented Time
- Still a Wall in the Minds – Has What Belongs Together Grown Back Together? by Elia Panskus
- Tech training for digital jobs at CAT and PSCC
- The Bronze Medal Winner Could Take First Place in Germany by Dr. Steven E. Sokol
- The Fabric of Society
- The Future of Europe and Transatlantic Relations in a New Global Order: A View from the European Parliament
- The Future of Mobility is Connected and Digital
- The Impact of Fossil-Fuel Divestment on Finance by Martin-Sebastian Abel
- The Right-Wing Rot at the Heart of the German State – by Hunt Fellow Thomas Meaney
- The Stakes of Russian Aggression for Ukraine and Beyond – Speech by Secretary Blinken
- The State of the European Union
- The Transatlantic Relationship – Past and Present… By Dr. Steven E. Sokol
- The Transatlantic Reunification Agenda
- Thirty Years After the Fall: The Lessons of 2019
- Transatlantic Cities of Tomorrow: A View from Charlotte
- Transatlantic Cities of Tomorrow: A View from Magdeburg
- U.S. and German Civility and Cooperation Efforts Will be on Display in Nashville
- Ăśber Werte muss man streiten – David DeiĂźner and Steven E. Sokol
- What Can Dallas Learn from the Germans about Civic Engagement? – By Dr. Steven E. Sokol and Dr. Nina Smidt
- What Do Chicago, Boise, Salt Lake City, and Phoenix Have in Common with Germany?
- Will Germany Shift Further Right Amid Political Uncertainty? – Interview with Dr. Steven E. Sokol
- Wir brauchen eine neue Agenda der Gemeinsamkeiten
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- German Politics After the Election
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- Transatlantic Cities of Tomorrow in Magdeburg, Halle, and Leipzig
- Transatlantic Cities of Tomorrow in North Carolina and Tennessee
- Transatlantic Cities of Tomorrow in Ohio and Pennsylvania
- Transatlantic Cities of Tomorrow in Philadelphia, Trenton, and Newark/Jersey City
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- The State of Trust and the US-German Partnership: A Transatlantic Survey
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