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Partner Organizations

The Council is grateful to the following co-sponsors and collaborating organizations.

Co-sponsoring Organizations

1014, Inc.
Alston & Bird LLP
American German Institute (AGI)
American Jewish Committee-Houston
Aspen Institute Germany
Belle Zeller Scholarship Fund
Bertelsmann Inc.
Brennan Center for Justice
Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany, New York
Council on Foreign Relations
Dechert LLP
Deutsch-Amerikanisches Institut Nürnberg e.V.
Deutsche Bank’s Innovation Lab
Deutscher Bauernverband
Deutsches Haus at New York University
Economic Club of Pittsburgh
Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Washington
Erste Lesung
Former Members of Congress
Freundeskreis der American Council on Germany
Friedrich Ebert Foundation
Georgia Farm Bureau Federation
German American Chamber of Commerce, Pittsburgh
German Consulate in Atlanta
German Consulate in Houston
German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Change
German Marshall Fund of the United States
Germanic-American Institute
Global Minnesota
Goethe Institut Los Angeles
Hanns Seidel Foundation

Hasso Plattner Institute
Heinrich Boell Foundation
Konrad Adenauer Foundation
MAGNET: The Manufacturing Advocacy and Growth Network
Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc.
Max Planck Law Network
Michigan Municipal League
Morgan Stanley
N.C. Zeitgeist Foundation
Penguin Random House
Phillips Nizer LLP
Queens University of Charlotte
Robert Bosch Foundation Alumni Association
School of Arts and Humanities at Lehman College (CUNY)
Stan Greenspon Holocaust and Social Justice Education Center at Queens University of Charlotte
State of Baden-Württemberg
Technische Universität Dresden
Tennessee World Affairs Council
The City Club of Cleveland
The European-American Business Organization, Inc.
The German Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB)
The German Society of Pennsylvania
The Halle Foundation
WAC-Dallas/Ft. Worth
Wirtschaftsrunde Deutschland
Wirtschaftsrunde: CEO Roundtable of German-American Companies in the United States