Home / News / “We Need A Robust Transatlantic Alliance” by Ambassador Peter Wittig

“We Need A Robust Transatlantic Alliance” by Ambassador Peter Wittig

Europe and the United States face three main challenges together.

As a new Congress convenes and Donald Trump becomes the new president of the United States, it is important that the U.S. and Europe focus on the challenges facing us.

During the Cold War and the fight against terrorism, the United States and Europe were close allies defending their common values: democracy, freedom, rule of law and human dignity. The U.S. stood side by side with its European allies when Western Europe faced the threat of the Soviet Union. European allies in NATO stood side by side with the U.S. after 9/11 in fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan. We as Germans remain grateful to the U.S. for the support we received after the fall of the Berlin Wall and during German reunification.

Full text can be read on Huffington Post.