Kaffeepause: What’s Abuzz in Berlin?

The ACG regularly hosts a discussion with a journalist based in Germany on the topics making the headlines and shaping political discourse. Join us on Monday, May 13 at 9:00 am...

Kaffeepause: What’s Abuzz in Berlin?

The ACG regularly hosts a discussion with a journalist based in Germany on the topics making the headlines and shaping political discourse. Join us on Monday, May 20 at 9:00 am...

International Crisis Management and the Future of the Transatlantic Partnership

oin The American Council on Germany and the Hanns Seidel Stiftung for a Discussion and Luncheon on “Unraveling Alliances? Assessing the U.S. Role in NATO”, with Alexander Radwan, Member of the German Bundestag (CDU/CSU). The Luncheon will be held on Monday,...