Global Trends in Authoritarian Interference in Elections

Democratic backsliding has become a defining trend in global politics over the past two decades. This has caused authoritarianism and authoritarian regimes to gain more traction around the world. One of the many mechanisms for “antidemocratic” leaders is interference in elections, be it in their own countries or in other countries. Join ACG and 1014...

Food Security and the Economic Implications of the War in Ukraine

The war in Ukraine has implications that reach far beyond its borders. The conflict has exacerbated critical issues in many parts of the world – like food insecurity. During the war, we have seen food prices increase as Ukraine (one of the world’s “bread baskets”) has come under attack. Grain prices have vacillated as shipping...

Recalibrating German Foreign Policy After the Zeitenwende

On November 16, the ACG and the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung will host a discussion and luncheon with Lars Klingbeil, Party Leader of the  Social Democratic Party of Germany. Lars Klingbeil is a German politician and leader of the Social Democratic Party of Germany since 2021. Mr. Klingbeil first joined the SPD in 1996, and in 2009, he...

Midterm Assessment of the Transatlantic Relations

On November 17, the ACG and the Freunde des ACG will host a discussion and reception with Timothy E. Liston, US-Generalkonsul in München, and Stefan Kornelius, Ressortleiter Politik, Süddeutsche Zeitung. Timothy E. Liston ist seit Ende Juli 2021 US-Generalkonsul in München und seit 2002 als Beamter des Auswärtigen Dienstes tätig. Er absolvierte zuletzt ein Jahr...

Kaffeepause: What’s Abuzz in Berlin?

The ACG regularly hosts a discussion with a journalist based in Germany on the topics making the headlines and shaping political discourse. Join us on Monday, November 21, at 9:00 am ET for a Kaffeepause with Malte Lehming, Opinion Writer for Tagesspiegel.Malte Lehming works as a writer for the Tagesspiegel, where he heads the opinion page. From late 2000 to 2005, he was the newspaper’s...