Philadelphia: Migration, Mobility, Asylum in Europe – Major Challenges for the European Integration Process?

The Philadelphia Warburg Chapter and the German American Chamber of Commerce, Philadelphia, will host a discussion and luncheon with Prof. Dr. Birgit Glorius, Associate Professor for Human Geography of East Central Europe at Chemnitz University of Technology. There is no charge to attend this event. RSVP here of to Lauren Konyves (; 215-772-7257) by October...

NYC: Polarization, Populism, and Politics in Germany and the United States: A Comparative Analysis

The American Council on Germany and Deutsches Haus at New York University will host a Political Salon with Christopher Cermak, Editor at Handelsblatt Global. You must register through Eventbrite in order to attend. Please click on the link below: Eventbrite Registration Christopher Cermak is an Editor at Handelsblatt Global in Berlin, covering primarily financial and...

San Francisco: Rightwing Populism in Germany: The Rise of the Alternative fĂĽr Deutschland (AfD) and the Political Situation after the Bundestagswahl

The San Francisco Warburg Chapter and the Goethe-Institute will host a discussion and reception with Dr. Sebastian Voigt, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Institute for Contemporary History Munich - Berlin. There will be no charge to attend this event. RSVP here by November 6. Dr. Sebastian Voigt, a Doctor of Philosophy, is a Postdoctoral Research...