Double Exposure: Museums and the Remembrance of the Shoah
How is the Shoah addressed in museums? How do museums extend the representation and education of this singular rupture in the history of humankind to other genocides? What can be...
How is the Shoah addressed in museums? How do museums extend the representation and education of this singular rupture in the history of humankind to other genocides? What can be...
Join us on Monday, December 16, for a special edition of the ACG’s regular Kaffeepause. We’ll discuss the results of the German Bundestag’s confidence vote with Cameron Adabi, deputy editor at Foreign...
The ACG is having a discussion with Till Knorn, German Consul General in New York, on, "German Politics and the Future of German-American Relations.” Till Knorn has been the German...
Migration played a pivotal role in the U.S. elections, and it looms prominently in political debates in Germany ahead of elections next month. Join the ACG and 1014 for a discussion...
Die American Council on Germany und die Freunde des American Council on Germany veranstalten am 22. Januar 2025 um 18.00 Uhr am CMS ein Kamingespräch mit Dr. Emily Haber, Botschafterin...