Hot Topics Call: Germany After the Fall of the Berlin Wall

The ACG will hold a Hot Topics Call with Consul General David Gill, who will reflect on growing up behind the Wall, the experiences he had immediately after the fall of the Wall, and how Germany has changed in nearly 30 years since November 1989. To register, please fill in the form below.

Atlanta: Creative Diplomacy: Producing Shared Stories for Global Audiences

The Atlanta Warburg Chapter of the American Council on Germany and the American Academy of Diplomacy will host a discussion and luncheon with Charles H. Rivkin, Chairman and CEO of the Motion Picture Association of America and Former Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs. There will be a $35 charge for ACG...

NYC: Finding a Common Future: Remarks on the European-American Partnership

The American Council on Germany will host a Breakfast Briefing with Dr. Jürgen Rüttgers, Chairman of the European Commission's High-Level Strategy Group for Industrial Technologies; Former Minister-President of North Rhine-Westphalia; and Former Federal Minister for Education, Science, Research, and Technology. RSVP (acceptances only) to the American Council on Germany at 212-826-3636 or Dr. Jürgen Rüttgers...

Philadelphia: The Social Benefits of Renewable Energy

The Philadelphia Warburg Chapter and the German-American Chamber of Commerce will host a discussion and luncheon with Dr. Sebastian Helgenberger from the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) Potsdam. There is no charge to attend this event. RSVP here or to Lauren Konyves (; 215-772-7257) by February 8. Dr. Sebastian Helgenberger leads the “Multiple Benefits...