USA vs. TikTok – wo steht Europa?

Die App "TikTok" des chinesischen Unternehmens Bytedance gehört zu den Onlinediensten mit der schnellsten Verbreitung. Sie ist die erste chinesische App, die weltweit erfolgreich ist. Inzwischen nutzen rund 800 Millionen Menschen TikTok. Mit der TikTok-App können Nutzer kurze Videoclips aufnehmen, bearbeiten und mit anderen Nutzern teilen. TikTok ist eine Social Media Anwendung, die in erster...

Knowing Each Other? Mutual Perceptions Across the Atlantic

As part of the Road to the Election and Beyond Virtual Series, the ACG will host a webinar with Ambassador Dr. Emily Haber, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to the United States; and Ambassador John B. Emerson, Vice Chairman at Capital Group International, Chairman of the American Council on Germany, and former Ambassador of...

Creating a Global Framework for Containing the Coronavirus

2020 has been overshadowed by the novel coronavirus pandemic. National governments, societies, health care systems, and multinational corporations have raced to contain a constantly evolving public health crisis. As we enter the fall, the COVID-19 pandemic shows little signs of abating – but this is not the time to give up. Join us on September...

Marking 30 Years of German Unification: What Lies Ahead?

Marking 30 Years of German Unification: What Lies Ahead? A Conversation with Robert B. Zoellick Lead U.S. Official for the Two-Plus-Four Negotiations on German Unification and Former President of the World Bank, U.S. Trade Representative, and Deputy Secretary of StateThursday, October 1, 2020 11:00 am to noon Eastern Time Saturday, October 3, marks the 30th anniversary of...

Marking 30 Years of German Unification: What Lies Ahead? [virtual] Transatlantic Townhall with Young Bundestag Members

Marking 30 Years of German Unification: What Lies Ahead? Transatlantic Townhall with Young Bundestag Members Bela Bach (SPD), Gyde Jensen (FDP), and Elisabeth Kaiser (SPD) Monday, October 5, 2020 12:00 - 1:00 pm ET Join the American Council on Germany and the German Consulate in New York for a discussion with young Bundestag members as they...