“Double Exposure: Is Interest Politics Dead?”
The ACG and the Geothe Institut are having a discussion with Dr. Delia Baldassarri and Dr. Jan-Werner Müller on “Double Exposure: Is Interest Politics Dead?” Today's societies are characterized by...
The ACG and the Geothe Institut are having a discussion with Dr. Delia Baldassarri and Dr. Jan-Werner Müller on “Double Exposure: Is Interest Politics Dead?” Today's societies are characterized by...
The American Council on Germany is having a discussion with Burkhard Balz on “A Central Banker’s View on the Current Developments in Germany, Europe and the United States” Burkhard Balz...
1014, the American Council on Germany, and the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung New York Office are holding a discussion with Dr. Liana Fix and Dr. John Glenn on “Global Trends and Rising Challenges:...
The ACG is having a discussion with Till Knorn, German Consul General in New York, on, "German Politics and the Future of German-American Relations.” Till Knorn has been the German...
1014, the ACG, and the Goethe-Institut are hosting a discussion and reception with Dr. Alexander Görlach and Cathryn Clüver Ashbrook. The state of Western democracies has been a central theme...