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Video Discussions

The spread of COVID-19 and the ensuing global lock-down as governments try to slow the spread of the corona virus has tested individuals and institutions around the world. Since March of 2020, the ACG has stepped up its digital programming by hosting webinars and video discussions which bring together policy makers and thought leaders from both sides of the Atlantic to discuss some of the key issues shaping transatlantic relations in an unprecedented time. In addition to organizing events on its own, the ACG has also partnered with other organizations such as 1014 and Atlantik-Brücke to launch new series designed to reach beyond the ACG community.

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Following the September 26 German federal election, an Ampelkoalition – or “traffic light” coalition of the Social Democrats, Greens, and Free Democrats – looks increasingly likely. But, it is not a given. There are other coalition possibilities. As these parties – plus the Christian Democrats – explore possible coalition options, there are questions about where the parties align and where they differ, and what the priorities of a new government might be.

On October 10, the ACG hosted a virtual discussion with author and journalist Martin Klingst to explore the domestic and foreign policy priorities of a governing coalition led by the SPD’s Olaf Scholz.

Each week, the ACG hosts a discussion with a journalist based in Germany on the topics making the headlines and shaping political discourse in Berlin.

On Monday, October 4, hosted a discussion about the results of the federal election and coalition talks with Matthew Karnitschnig, Chief European Correspondent for Politico.

Now with the German election in the books, the Greens will work toward strengthening Europe and reviving the transatlantic relationship. But the Greens are more likely to take a critical approach toward Russia and China. On October 1, the ACG hosted a discussion with foreign policy expert Reinhard Bütikofer, Member of the European Parliament for the German Green party Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen, about German foreign policy after Merkel, the future of Europe, and relations with China. This event was supported by the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung.

On September 30, the ACG partnered with Atlantik-Brücke, the World Affairs Councils of America (WACA), and the World Affairs Council of Atlanta to reflect on the race to replace Angela Merkel with ACG Young Leader alumna Dr. Constanze Stelzenmüller, Senior Fellow – Foreign Policy, Center on the United States and Europe and Fritz Stern Chair on Germany and trans-Atlantic Relations at Brookings Institution. This event was part of WACA’s Wunderbar Together 2021 Engage America Series on “Germany’s Elections and the Future of Transatlantic Relations.”

On September 29, the ACG and the Freunde des American Council on Germany e.V. hosted an analysis of the results of the German federal election and their foreign policy implications with Dr. Stefan Fröhlich, Professor of International Politics and Political Economy at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, and ACG Board member Dr. Charles Kupchan, Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and Professor of International Affairs at Georgetown University; and moderated by ACG Young Leader alumna Sonja Gillert, who serves as the Head of Audio for Welt.

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