We’re In This Together: Science and the Fight for Global Health

It has been more than three months since the first lockdown measures were introduced in the United States, and many states and communities are now in the process of reopening. The precautions have helped flatten the curve, but the coronavirus is still spreading at home and around the globe. COVID-19 will continue to spread until...

Resilience and Adaptation: Social Inequity and the Corona Crisis

The combined public health and economic crises have exacerbated social inequity in our societies. Social injustice and police brutality have led to widespread protests and unrest. From essential workers risking their lives on minimum wage to poor living conditions to inadequate access to health care and the digital world, we must right many existing wrongs...

Transatlantic Defense Cooperation? The US Military Drawdown in Germany

The Trump administration recently announced a new cap on U.S. forces based in Germany which will result in a reduction of 9,500 troops. The decision was made within the context of the ongoing transatlantic debates about NATO defense spending by individual members and evolving security threat perceptions. Does this move strengthen or weaken the United...

Resilience and Adaptation: Climate and the Corona Crisis

The corona crisis demonstrates that nature ultimately cannot be controlled. It does not negotiate nor does it abide by the rules of maximizing economic benefits. Climate change has long been on the global agenda – but it has not been taken seriously by everyone. Does the current moment provide an opportunity to address environmental concerns...

The Impact of COVID-19 on the United States

Online Presentation and Discussion with Andrew Frank, Founder & President, KARV Communications; and Eric Andrus, Executive Vice President, KARV Communications. Andrew Frank and Eric Andrus of KARV Communications will present an overview of the present situation in the United States as the business sector and all of the nation grapple with the pandemic’s enormous global economic and societal...