Resilience and Adaptation: Climate and the Corona Crisis

The corona crisis demonstrates that nature ultimately cannot be controlled. It does not negotiate nor does it abide by the rules of maximizing economic benefits. Climate change has long been on the global agenda – but it has not been taken seriously by everyone. Does the current moment provide an opportunity to address environmental concerns...

The Impact of COVID-19 on the United States

Online Presentation and Discussion with Andrew Frank, Founder & President, KARV Communications; and Eric Andrus, Executive Vice President, KARV Communications. Andrew Frank and Eric Andrus of KARV Communications will present an overview of the present situation in the United States as the business sector and all of the nation grapple with the pandemic’s enormous global economic and societal...

Transatlantic Perspectives: The Local Impact of COVID-19 and Digitalization

The coronavirus outbreak has demonstrated ways in which digitalization has helped communities by allowing many people to work from home and enabling students to continue their education via remote learning. We’ve also seen how technology can assist with healthcare both in terms of service and tracking the pandemic. However, the crisis has also exposed a...

Resilience and Adaptation: Rethinking Civil Society

The corona crisis is affecting almost every aspect of civil society. It is having an impact on individuals, families, and organizations – with long-lasting reverberations for the institutions that shape civil society. Against the backdrop of simultaneous public health and economic crises, there are calls for greater social equity. What does civil society need to...

The European Council Presidency: Can Germany Bring Europe Together?

On July 1, Germany will assume the six-month rotating Presidency of the European Council. Germany takes on this role at a critical juncture for the European Union. The public health and economic implications of the corona crisis, Brexit and European cohesion, and the state of the transatlantic relationship are only some of the issues on...