Kaffeepause: What’s Abuzz in Germany?

The ACG regularly hosts a discussion with a journalist based in Germany on the topics making the headlines and shaping political discourse.  Join us on Monday, October 10, at 9:00 am ET for a Kaffeepause with Gordon Repinski, Deputy Editor-in-Chief at ThePioneer.Gordon Repinski serves as the Deputy Editor-in-Chief at ThePioneer. He is a graduate of the German School of Journalism. He...

Germany, Russia, and Ukraine: How does this Conflict End?

The West has shown unity and commitment to Ukraine that would not have been forecast a year ago. The post-Cold War institutions are proving resilient and Putin’s desire to divide the democratic Allies has paradoxically bolstered the unity and resolve within NATO, the European Union, and the international community writ large. But, as temperatures drop and...

The ‘Democratic Fallout’ of the War in Ukraine

With a forced referendum in Russian-occupied areas of Ukraine and the proclaimed annexation of these four territories by Russia, democracy and sovereignty of a former Soviet state are once again undercut by hegemonial aspirations and big power competition. At the same time, Russians are fleeing their homeland in large numbers after the announced that he...

Niedersaschen at the Polls: What do the Results Mean?

Over the weekend, voters in Niedersachsen took to the polls. Initial results give the Social Democrats under the leadership of Minister President Stephan Weil a win, even though they dropped nearly four percentage points since 2017. The Greens and the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) saw an upswing in support since the last state election. The...

Germany’s Zeitenwende and the War in Ukraine: How does the Bundeswehr React?

On October 14, the ACG and the German Consulate in New York will host a breakfast briefing with General Markus Laubenthal , Deputy Inspector General of the Bundeswehr. Lieutenant General Markus Laubenthal has been the Deputy Inspector General of the Bundeswehr since April 2020. Prior to this, he was the Director General for Forces Policy...