Priorities and Pitfalls for the Transatlantic Partnership in 2021

There have always been ups and downs in the German-American relationship. With the election of Joe Biden, many Germans hope for a “Neustart” for the transatlantic alliance. The tone and tenor are likely to change – and there are common challenges facing Europe and the United States. However, the partnership is not without its controversial...

Reinventing the German-American Agenda in 2021

As part of the 2020 German-American Conference, the American Council on Germany and Atlantik-Bruecke will host a discussion with Ambassador John Emerson, Chairman of the American Council on Germany, and Sigmar Gabriel, Chairman of Atlantik-Bruecke e.V., and former Federal Foreign Minister and Vice-Chancellor. This year, the coronavirus crisis has shown that Europe and the United...

Migration, Flight, and US Immigration Policy under President Biden

At the beginning of 2021, U.S. President-elect Joe Biden will inherit an immigration system that has been dramatically transformed by the Trump administration over the past four years. These transformations include a new series of restrictive asylum policies, the construction of a border wall to Mexico, sweeping green-card limitations, broader deportation priorities, a decimated refugee...

A Conversation between Berlin and Los Angeles

Berlin and Los Angeles have been sister cities since 1967. Originally launched by former Berliners who had emigrated to the U.S. to work in the film industry, culture and the arts have always been a cornerstone for the relationship. Both the Villa Aurora and the Thomas Mann House have served as institutional ties connecting the...