Addressing Educator Shortages and Pandemic-Related Learning Loss

While global challenges are addressed by national governments, increasingly subnational actors such as states, communities, and cities have needed to step up to take action when traditional nation-states have been unable to make progress due to political polarization and partisan gridlocks. This trend has also characterized transatlantic relations and the German-American partnership. The German-American State Legislator...

Germany’s Role in Europe in Times of Crisis

The American Council on Germany and the Hann-Seidel-Stiftung will host a Breakfast Briefing with Florian Hahn, Member of the Bundestag (CSU) and Defense Policy Spokesperson for the CDU/CSU. Florian Hahn was elected as a member of the Bundestag in the 2009 German federal election. He serves as the Defense Policy Spokesperson for the CDU/CSU and sits...

AI: Transatlantic Business and Policy Implications

The ACG will host a discussion and reception with Harry Rubin, Partner and Chair, Technology and IP Transactions, Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP; and Oliver Süme, Partner at Fieldfisher and Chair of the Board of eco – Association of the Internet Industry. Harry Rubin is a globally recognized authority in his field and former...

Business Cycles, Inflation, and Economic Developments in Germany and Europe

The ACG will host a breakfast briefing with Burkhard Balz, Member of the Executive Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank, Former Member of the European Parliament. Burkhard Balz has been a member of the Executive Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank since September 2018. Prior to this, he was a member of the European Parliament (CDU) and...