Fireside Chat with Victoria Nuland Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, U.S. Department of State

Although strained at times, the transatlantic alliance has remained indispensable. President Biden’s recent trip to Europe for G7, NATO, and U.S.-EU Summits has served as an opportunity for the United States to reengage with its allies. As we reflect on these meetings and think about the common challenges ahead, what are the priorities for U.S....

Kaffeepause: What’s Abuzz in Berlin?

Each week, the ACG hosts a discussion with a journalist based in Germany on the topics making the headlines and shaping political discourse in Berlin. Join us on Monday, July 12 at 9:00 am ET for a discussion with Luisa Beck, European Reporter for the Washington Post's Berlin Bureau.Luisa Beck is a reporter covering Europe from The Washington Post's Berlin...

Saving Democracy: Reinventing Institutions and Practices for the 21st Century

Democracy is under attack. Rising populism, waning trust in democratic institutions and practices, and a period of unprecedented uncertainty caused by the Covid-19 pandemic have strained democratic institutions. What can be done to reinvigorate the intermediary institutions that have been considered essential for democracy’s success since the nineteenth century: political parties and free media? with...

Democracies in Distress: Europe and the United States

On both sides of the Atlantic, popular confidence in political institutions has fallen and voters are increasingly disenchanted with mainstream political parties. In the United States, political polarization is at an all-time high and in Europe political splintering is weakening long-established parties. Additionally, citizens are unable to determine which news sources are trustworthy and increasingly...

Understanding the Rise of lliberal Politics in Europe and the U.S. – And What to Do About It

The decline of established political parties, media, and interest groups has opened the door to anti-democratic forces, posing new challenges for our democracies. This event will examine how Europe's establishment parties are faltering and how the rise of social media poses new challenges on both sides of the Atlantic. What can be done to rebuild...