Political Persecution and State-Sanctioned Air Piracy in Belarus: How Should the West Respond?

On May 23rd Alexander Lukashenko, who has served as the President of Belarus since 1994, ordered the forced landing of a European civilian airliner traveling from Athens to Vilnius in the Belarussian capital, Minsk, due to an alleged security threat in his country’s airspace. The real objective, however, was to detain a Belarusian political journalist, Raman...

European Digital Sovereignty and Transatlantic Relations with the Biden Administration

When the new European Commission under the leadership of President Ursula von der Leyen took office, the strengthening of digital capabilities throughout the European Union quickly emerged as a top priority. Even before her confirmation, Dr. von der Leyen called for Europe to achieve “technological sovereignty in some critical technology areas.” The German Minister of...

Kaffeepause: What’s Abuzz in Berlin?

Each week, the ACG hosts a discussion with a journalist based in Germany on the topics making the headlines and shaping political discourse in Berlin. Join us on Wednesday, June 2 at 9:00 am ET for a discussion with political journalist Corinna Emundts.Corinna Emundts (2004 ACG Kellen Fellow) is a political journalist in Berlin. From 2008 to...

Revisiting “The City of Man”: The Future of Multilateral Politics

From the threat of pandemics to climate change, the rule of law, terrorism, and human rights, the world faces existential problems that nation-states cannot solve alone. But the necessary cooperation in a globalized world presupposes that certain principles and values are shared by all people. Multilateralism is as much a prerequisite as an instrument for...

Kaffeepause: What’s Abuzz in Berlin?

Each week, the ACG hosts a discussion with a journalist based in Germany on the topics making the headlines and shaping political discourse in Berlin. Join us on Monday, June 7 at 9:00 am ET for a discussion with Sumi Somoskanda, Senior News Anchor at DW News (Deutsche Welle).Sumi Somoskanda is currently a senior news anchor at DW News (Deutsche Welle), Germany's...