Common Security and Defense Policy: What’s at Stake?

Geopolitical challenges continue to confront the transatlantic alliance ranging from Russia’s continued aggression in Ukraine to China’s military build-up and pressure on Taiwan to President Biden’s decision to remove American troops from Afghanistan by September of this year to cyber threats from adversaries around the world. How can Europe and the United States get on...

Climate Change Policy: Can the United States be a Credible Leader?

A number of recent surveys in Europe and the United States have shown growing discontent with the way democracy is working, distrust in democratic institutions, and the ability of democracies to confront the many complex challenges facing our societies. What can be done to rebuild confidence and to increase citizen engagement to improve the effectiveness...

Post-Covid Economic Recovery: Is Infrastructure the Answer?

President Biden has proposed a $2 trillion infrastructure plan that he states will upgrade roads, bridges, and water systems, expand digital access and broadband, hasten a shift to clean energy, and create millions of jobs. The EU’s $800 billion Recovery Fund also focuses on addressing climate change and the digital transformation as part of its...

Global Trade and Investment: Do Economic Ties Still Bind Europe and the U.S.?

The transatlantic economy remains the most important in the world comprising one-third of the world’s GDP, $6.2 trillion in commercial sales, 61 percent of inward FDI and 64 percent of outward FDI, as well as 27 percent of global exports and 32 percent of world imports. Currently, the U.S. economy is running on all cylinders...

“Knowledge Diplomacy” in Times of Disruption and Beyond

During the Covid-19 pandemic, the importance of science and knowledge has brought scientists even closer to policymakers than ever before – as they collectively try to meet the common public health challenge. This has been true in both domestic policy-making and also in global cooperation. Will this trend continue? And, will it embed the transfer of...