Berlin: Young Leader Alumni Reception
The ACG and Atlantik-Brücke will host a Young Leader Alumni Reception in Berlin. More information:
The ACG and Atlantik-Brücke will host a Young Leader Alumni Reception in Berlin. More information:
Panel Diskussion & Empfang der Freunde des American Council on Germany e.V. Diskussionsteilnehmer: Kim Zetter Journalistin, spezialisiert in Cybersecurity und Nationale Sicherheit, Autorin von “Countdown to Zero Day: Stuxnet and...
The ACG and the Wirtschaftsrunde will host a discussion and luncheon with Karl Matthias Klause, Head of the Economic Department at the German Embassy in Washington, DC. Space is limited. RSVP...
The ACG and the Hanns Seidel Foundation will host a discussion and luncheon with Stefan Müller, Member of the Bundestag and CSU Whip. RSVP (acceptances only) to the American Council...
The American Council on Germany and the American Business Forum on Europe will host a breakfast briefing with Joseph Quinlan, Senior Fellow at the Foreign Policy Institute at Johns Hopkins...