Kaffeepause: Special Edition – The Polish Election

Join us on Monday, October 23, for a special edition of the regular Kaffeepause. We’ll discuss the results of Poland’s election and the future of German-Polish relations with former German Ambassador to Poland Rolf Nikel.Ambassador Rolf Nikel has served as the Vice President of the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) since September 2020, when he was...

Germany’s Zeitenwende and Nuclear Deterrence

With Russia’s war in Ukraine, we have seen a fundamental shift in Germany’s foreign, security, and energy policy. Putin’s nuclear threats and saber-rattling has also led to a reexamination of Germany’s approach to nuclear defense. Prior to the current conflict, there was little discussion about nuclear defense. In a new book titled “Deutschlands nukleare Interessen”...

How has the War in Ukraine Changed Germany’s Energy and Climate Policy?

The ACG and the Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Washington DC will host a discussion and luncheon with Sascha Müller-Kraenner, Executive Director/CEO of Deutsche Umwelthilfe e.V. (Environmental Action Germany). Sascha Müller-Kraenner has served as Executive Director/CEO of Deutsche Umwelthilfe e.V., DUH (Environmental Action Germany) since January 2015. Environmental Action Germany is an independent non-profit organization that was founded...

The Israel-Hamas Conflict and its Broader Implications: A View from Germany

On October 7, in a series of coordinated attacks, the Palestinian Islamist militant group Hamas launched an unprecedented assault on Israel, with hundreds of gunmen infiltrating communities near the Gaza Strip. More than 1,400 Israelis were killed and more than 200 people – including civilians – were taken to Gaza as hostages. In response, Israel...

German-American Economic Relations: A German Perspective

The ACG and the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung will host a discussion and reception with Julia Klöckner, Member of the German Bundestag, Spokeswoman on Economic Policy for the CDU/CSU Parliamentary Group, and Former Federal Minister. Julia Klöckner has been a member of the German Parliament (Bundestag) since 2021, representing the constituency of Kreuznach. She serves as the Spokeswoman...