NYC: Transatlantic Stammtisch for Young Professionals

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NYC: National Politics, Regional Issues, and the Future of Europe: A View from North Rhine-Westphalia

The ACG will host a breakfast briefing with H.E. Armin Laschet, Minister-President of North Rhine-Westphalia.  RSVP (acceptances only) to the American Council on Germany at 212-826-3636 or Armin Laschet has been the Minister-President of North Rhine-Westphalia since June 2017. Prior to this, he was the Chairman of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) in the North...

Phoenix: Strengthening the European Transatlantic Pillar: Can Germany lead in Europe without Dominating?

The Phoenix Warburg Chapter will host a discussion and dinner with Prof. James D. Bindenagel, Former U.S. Ambassador and Henry Kissinger Professor for Governance and International Security, University of Bonn. There will be a $30 charge to attend this event. RSVP here by March 1. Prof. James D. Bindenagel was appointed Henry-Kissinger Professor at the University of...

NYC: U.S.-German Economic Relations: The Way Forward

The ACG will host a discussion and luncheon with Moneim Eltohami, Deputy Head of the Division USA, Canada, and Mexico in the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.  There is no charge for members to attend this event. RSVP (acceptances only)to the American Council on Germany at 212-826-3636 or Moneim Eltohami is currently...