Berlin: Young Leader Alumni Reception

The ACG and Atlantik-Brücke will host a Young Leader Alumni Reception in Berlin.  More information:

Berlin: Cybersecurity: A Challenge for Germany and the United States

Panel Diskussion & Empfang der Freunde des American Council on Germany e.V. Diskussionsteilnehmer: Kim Zetter Journalistin, spezialisiert in Cybersecurity und Nationale Sicherheit, Autorin von “Countdown to Zero Day: Stuxnet and the Launch of the World’s First Digital Weapon” _ Isabel Skierka (angefragt) Beraterin und Forscherin im Bereich Cybersecurity und Digital Policy, ESMT Berlin und Global Public...

NYC: Economic Volatility and the U.S.-German Relationship

The ACG and the Wirtschaftsrunde will host a discussion and luncheon with Karl Matthias Klause, Head of the Economic Department at the German Embassy in Washington, DC.  Space is limited. RSVP (acceptances only) to the American Council on Germany at 212-826-3636 or Karl Matthias Klause is a career diplomat in the German Foreign Office. Since October...

NYC: After the European Parliamentary Elections: Consequences for Germany and Europe

The ACG and the Hanns Seidel Foundation will host a discussion and luncheon with Stefan Müller, Member of the Bundestag and CSU Whip.  RSVP (acceptances only) to the American Council on Germany at 212-826-3636 or Stefan Müller is a member of the German Bundestag (CDU/CSU) where he has served since 2002. He has been...

NYC: Don’t be misled! U.S.-EU Trade and Investments are Number One

The American Council on Germany and the American Business Forum on Europe will host a breakfast briefing with Joseph Quinlan, Senior Fellow at the Foreign Policy Institute at Johns Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies.  Joseph Quinlan is managing director and head of market & thematic strategy for the Global Wealth & Investment Management...