NYC: Populism and Nationalism on the Rise: A German Perspective

The ACG and the Wirtschaftsrunde will host a discussion and luncheon with Stefan Schlüter, Program Director at the Diplomatic Academy of the German Foreign Office in Berlin. Stefan Schlüter served in the German Foreign Office until the summer of 2017 and is now a Program Director at the Diplomatic Academy in Berlin. After studying political...

NYC: Inclusive Foreign Policy: The Role of Culture in Transatlantic Affairs

The American Council on Germany and the Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany in New York will host a discussion and luncheon with Michelle Müntefering, Minister of State at the Federal Foreign Office.  Michelle Müntefering has been Minister of State at the Federal Foreign Office since March 2018. Concurrently, she has been a member of...

NYC: Defending Freedom: How to Make Liberal Democracy Great Again

The ACG and the Heinrich Boell Foundation will host a discussion and luncheon with Ralf Fücks, Managing Director of the Center for Liberal Modernity and Author of Defending Freedom: How We Can Win the Fight for an Open Society. Ralf Fücks is Managing Director of the Center for Liberal Modernity, a German think tank that was founded...