How Identity Politics Has Shaped Modern Political Discourse

Identity politics has long been thought to help members of disenfranchised communities create a voice for themselves. However, in recent years, identity politics has led to increased polarization between the left and the right, creating a rise of populism in the United States and Europe. Now in 2020, the call for social justice and racial equality...

Europe and the United States: An Enduring Partnership?

The ACG's Young Leaders Program and Council on Foreign Relations' Stephen M. Kellen Term Membership Program will host a discussion on Europe and the United States: An Enduring Partnership? with Manuel Bewarder, Journalist, Welt and Welt am Sonntag and 2018 ACG Young Leader; Tara Hariharan, Director of Global Macro Research, NWI Management LP, CFR Term Member,...

Resilience and Adaptation: Predicting the Future in Uncertain Times

Predicting the future is difficult under any circumstance – but it is especially hard during a period of unprecedented uncertainty. One thing is certain: The coronavirus pandemic has changed the lives of billions of people all over the globe. But, what are the lasting changes? What will our communities look like after the pandemic? Are...

USA vs. TikTok – wo steht Europa?

Die App "TikTok" des chinesischen Unternehmens Bytedance gehört zu den Onlinediensten mit der schnellsten Verbreitung. Sie ist die erste chinesische App, die weltweit erfolgreich ist. Inzwischen nutzen rund 800 Millionen Menschen TikTok. Mit der TikTok-App können Nutzer kurze Videoclips aufnehmen, bearbeiten und mit anderen Nutzern teilen. TikTok ist eine Social Media Anwendung, die in erster...

Knowing Each Other? Mutual Perceptions Across the Atlantic

As part of the Road to the Election and Beyond Virtual Series, the ACG will host a webinar with Ambassador Dr. Emily Haber, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to the United States; and Ambassador John B. Emerson, Vice Chairman at Capital Group International, Chairman of the American Council on Germany, and former Ambassador of...