Election Day in America: A Pre-Analysis from Berlin

Rarely has a U.S. presidential election sparked as much attention, mystification, perplexity, and concern as the 2020 race to the White House – both in the U.S. and abroad. No matter who will emerge as the winner on Election Night (or in the weeks to come), the aftershocks will be felt in Germany, Europe, and...

World in Danger: Germany and Europe in an Uncertain Time

The ACG and the Los Angeles World Affairs Council & Town Hall will host a webinar with Ambassador Wolfgang Ischinger, Chairman of the Munich Security Conference, and Ambassador John B. Emerson, Chairman of the American Council on Germany.  The world appears to be at another major turning point. Tensions between the United States and China...

[virtual] Transatlantic Town Hall: The U.S. Election – Reactions from Berlin

As we wait for the final votes in Tuesday's election to be tallied, the world is watching. Some would say that the German-American relationship hangs in the balance. Regardless of who ultimately wins the White House, the transatlantic partnership faces many challenges – and there is some anxiety about how relations across the Atlantic will develop...

The Consequences of the U.S. Elections for the Transatlantic Alliance

The American Council on Germany and the Denver Council on Foreign Relations cordially invite you to a virtual discussion on "The Consequences of the U.S. Elections for the Transatlantic Alliance" with Constanze Stelzenmüller,  Senior Fellow in the Center on the United States and Europe, Brookings Institution. November 11, 2020 9:00 - 10:00 pm ET/ 7:00...

Innovation and Its Discontents: U.S. and German Models of Military Innovation and the Dual-Use Conundrum

Increasingly, government investment in “emerging technologies” aims to harness dual-use, private-sector innovation to achieve national goals. Dual-use technologies are increasingly critical to national economies, labor forces, and security. For major powers and innovators, governments and their private sectors both contribute to investment in technology development. What are the drivers behind the development? How does funding...