NYC: The Reality Behind Artificial Intelligence

The ACG will host a discussion and luncheon with Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel, CEO of the Hasso Plattner Institut and Dean of the Digital Engineering Faculty at Potsdam University.  There is no charge...

NYC: The Future of the German-American Relationship

The ACG will host a discussion with Dr. A. Wess Mitchell, Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs at the U.S. Department of State.  There is a $35...

NYC: Is Chemnitz Germany’s Charlottesville Moment?

The ACG, Deutsches Haus at NYU, and NYU's Center for European and Mediterranean Studies will host a panel discussion with David Gill, Consul General of Germany in New York; Cigdem...

NYC: Current Trends and Challenges in German Politics

The ACG will host a breakfast briefing with H.E. Hermann Gröhe, Member of the German Bundestag (CDU), Former Federal Minister of Health, and Deputy Chairman of the CDU/CSU Parliamentary Group.  RSVP (acceptances only)...