The French No-Confidence Vote: A View from Berlin

On December 5, the French Prime Minister, Michael Barnier, resigned after the left-wing coalition, New Popular Front, and the far-right National Rally Party, collaborated to topple his government. Only three...

Kaffeepause: Special Edition – Germany’s Confidence Vote

Join us on Monday, December 16, for a special edition of the ACG’s regular Kaffeepause. We’ll discuss the results of the German Bundestag’s confidence vote with Cameron Adabi, deputy editor at Foreign...

Hot Topics, Cold Realties – Migration

Migration played a pivotal role in the U.S. elections, and it looms prominently in political debates in Germany ahead of elections next month. Join the ACG and 1014 for a discussion...

Mobility and Borders in Europe

Europe is a place of free movement among nations – or is it? The Schengen area, which was established in 1985 and today encompasses twenty-nine European countries, allows people, goods,...