Munich: What Has Changed in World Politics Since 1989?

The ACG and the Freunde des American Council on Germany will host a breakfast briefing with Dr. Francis Fukuyama, Olivier Nomellini Senior Fellow and Mosbacher Director, Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law Director, Ford Dorsey Masters in International Policy Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies at Stanford University. RSVP (acceptances only) to the American Council on Germany at...

Munich: Partner, Competitor, or Rival? The China Conundrum in Transatlantic Relations

The ACG and the American Institute for Contemporary Germany Studies will host an official side event at the 2020 Munich Security Conference.  China’s growing international presence has far-ranging effects on both the United States and Germany in areas such as economics and trade, technology policy, human rights, the regional power balance, and international security. German...

Munich: Shaping Foreign Policy in Uncertain Times: Views from Washington and Berlin

The ACG and Aspen Institute Germany will host a Breakfast Briefing with Peter Berkowitz, Director of Policy Planning for the U.S. Department of State, and Sebastian Groth, Director of Policy Planning at the German Federal Foreign Office.  On the periphery of the Munich Security Conference, we look forward to convening a small high-level group to...

Berlin: Takeaways from the 2020 Munich Security Conference

The Freunde des American Council on Germany and the ACG will host a discussion and reception with Matthew Kartnitschnig, Chef Correspondent for Politico Europe, in conversation with Dr. Steven E. Sokol, President of the ACG. More information can be found here: Matthew Karnitschnig ist der Chefkorrespondent für Europa bei POLITICO. Er war bis 2015...

USA vs. TikTok – wo steht Europa?

Die App "TikTok" des chinesischen Unternehmens Bytedance gehört zu den Onlinediensten mit der schnellsten Verbreitung. Sie ist die erste chinesische App, die weltweit erfolgreich ist. Inzwischen nutzen rund 800 Millionen Menschen TikTok. Mit der TikTok-App können Nutzer kurze Videoclips aufnehmen, bearbeiten und mit anderen Nutzern teilen. TikTok ist eine Social Media Anwendung, die in erster...