It is hard to ignore the growing interest in gender equity issues on both sides of the Atlantic. This is especially true in March – which is Women’s History Month in the United States and only a handful of other countries. But, it is normal to see gender issues discussed in the American and German media on a regular basis. At the end of February, a small group of women in Germany launched the Feministisches Netzwerk, a counterpart to the Women’s March on Washington movement. Growing out of the nationwide demonstrations in favor of the rights of women, minorities, and the LBGTQ community on January 21, the Women’s March is now a nonprofit organization with a growing network both nationally and internationally. Across Germany and...
Traditional industries are going through a radical change propelled almost entirely by the rapid emergence of huge amounts of data alongside new emerging business models. The pace of change is completely unprecedented, with 90% of stored data in the world today being created in the past 3 years, and with more than half of the Fortune 500 companies having declined in revenue in 2016. Businesses are left scrambling to compete, with the strongest companies surviving by utilizing data to build new revenue streams. Unfortunately, many companies do not feel properly equipped to handle the imminent changes brought on by data in the new digital world. Read more
During his fellowship, Jacob Kushner, had the opportunity to complete investigative work on the rise of xenophobia in Germany and the National Socialist Understand. The article, "10 Murders, 3 Nazis, and Germany's Moment of Reckoning", was published in Foreign Policy Magazine in March 2017. Read more
Nirgendwo auf der Erde ist das Geflecht aus Geld, Macht und Medien so eng wie in Washington. Solange sich alle Beteiligten an die Spielregeln hielten, ging das einigermaßen gut. Mit Donald Trump wird sich alles ändern. Und nicht zum Guten. Es droht ein Kollaps. Die Vermessung des Wahnsinns folgt auf die Krebssuppe. José Cunningham legt den Löffel beiseite, fährt sich mit der Hand durch das kurz gescheitelte, weiße Haar, dann beugt er sich nach vorne: „Ist das nicht unglaublich“, ruft er aus. Diese Hetze gegen die Minderheiten, die sexistischen Sprüche gegen Frauen, die Kritik an Medien und Geheimdiensten, die Unterstützung Russlands. Kein anderer hätte das alles tun und sagen können und wäre Präsident geworden, meint er. Keiner – außer Donald Trump. „Und wissen Sie was: Ich liebe diesen Mann. Er ist genau das, was Amerika braucht.“ Read more
Europe and the United States face three main challenges together. As a new Congress convenes and Donald Trump becomes the new president of the United States, it is important that the U.S. and Europe focus on the challenges facing us. During the Cold War and the fight against terrorism, the United States and Europe were close allies defending their common values: democracy, freedom, rule of law and human dignity. The U.S. stood side by side with its European allies when Western Europe faced the threat of the Soviet Union. European allies in NATO stood side by side with the U.S. after 9/11 in fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan. We as Germans remain grateful to the U.S. for the support we received after the fall of...