On August 27, the ACG and the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung hosted an evening discussion with Klaus Welle, Secretary-General of the European Parliament. This is the recording of his speech.
Die deutsch-amerikanischen Beziehungen verändern sich mit ungeahnter Geschwindigkeit. Das mag viele zutiefst besorgen. Doch dieser Umbruch bietet die Möglichkeit zur Neugestaltung – und kann das transatlantische Verhältnis auf ein neues Niveau heben....
So far this summer, there has been no “Sommerloch” (a break in the pace of current events), and with the NATO Summit this week and the meeting between Donald Trump...
"The Future of Mobility is Connected and Digital" by Robin Cammarota, Program Director and Digital Strategist, American Council on Germany Although Germany is known for its green technology and Energiewende...
If the American-German relationship can survive US President Donald Trump's term, it'll be stronger than ever, write three policy experts for Handelsblatt. The Paris Climate Accord. Steel and aluminum tariffs....