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Requirements and the Selection Process

The 44th American Council on Germany American-German Young Leaders Conference will take place from July 20 to 25, 2024.

Applicants for the Young Leaders Conference should be American or German professionals between the ages of 28 and 38 who show promise in their given field. They should also be engaged in other activities beyond their professional lives. Delegates are selected from a wide demographic both geographically and professionally. The program is designed to broaden the horizons of those with limited or no exposure to the transatlantic relationship. Influencers, changemakers, and multipliers are desired.

Nominations should consist of a letter of recommendation (one to two pages) noting the candidate’s qualifications, a CV/resume, a copy of the photo page of the nominee’s passport, and a personal statement outlining what the candidate hopes to get out of the experience and what s/he can contribute to the conference. Delegates are typically nominated by alumni of the program, members of the ACG, and other interested sources, but self-nominations are also accepted.

In a highly selective process, participants are chosen by a Steering Committee made up of prominent Young Leader alumni and officers of the American Council on Germany. Many more applications are received than there are spaces available; only 50 individuals will be selected to participate.

Applications are due no later than March 27, 2024.