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Political Free Speech or Hate Speech? The Role and Responsibility of the State and Social Media Companies

The debate over differences in U.S. and European speech rights is a perennial issue. But, the emergence of private social media platforms – and their dominance – has given the issue a new dimension and a new sense of urgency.

On March 8, the American Council on Germany, the Max Planck Law Network, and the Robert Bosch Foundation Alumni Association hosted a discussion with Prof. Dr. Ralf Poscher, Dir­ect­or at the Max Planck In­sti­tute for the Study of Crime, Se­cur­ity and Law, in Freiburg, Germany, and Nadine Strossen, John Marshall Harlan II Professor of Law at New York Law School. The discussion was moderated by Russell Miller, Senior Research Fellow and Head of the Max Planck Law Network and J.B. Stombock Professor of Law at Washington and Lee University.