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On Tuesday, November 28, the American Council on Germany and 1014 hosted a virtual discussion on the future of work with Thorben Albrecht, Policy Director of IG Metall and former State Secretary at the German Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, and Dr. Annelise Orleck, Professor of History at Dartmouth College.

The ACG regularly hosts a discussion with a journalist based in Germany on the topics making the headlines and shaping political discourse. On November 27, the ACG held a Kaffeepause with James Angelos, journalist and editor for Politico Germany.

The ACG regularly hosts a discussion with a journalist based in Germany on the topics making the headlines and shaping political discourse. On November 20, the ACG held a kaffeepause with Anja Wehler-Schöck, Head of International Politics for Der Tagesspiegel.

On November 16, the ACG, in collaboration with 1014, held a virtual discussion with Steffen Kampeter, Chief Executive Officer of the Bundesvereinigung der Deutschen Arbeitgeberverbände (Confederation of German Employers‘ Associations (BDA)), and Roberto Suárez Santos, Secretary-General of the International Organisation of Employers (IOE), on the future of work.

The ACG regularly hosts a discussion with a journalist based in Germany on the topics making the headlines and shaping political discourse. On November 13, the ACG hosted a Kaffeepause with Petra Pinzler, Berlin Correspondent for Die Zeit and 2010 Kellen Fellow.

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