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Video Discussions

The spread of COVID-19 and the ensuing global lock-down as governments try to slow the spread of the corona virus has tested individuals and institutions around the world. Since March of 2020, the ACG has stepped up its digital programming by hosting webinars and video discussions which bring together policy makers and thought leaders from both sides of the Atlantic to discuss some of the key issues shaping transatlantic relations in an unprecedented time. In addition to organizing events on its own, the ACG has also partnered with other organizations such as 1014 and Atlantik-Brücke to launch new series designed to reach beyond the ACG community.

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Individuals, communities, and countries have all been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic – and the private sector is facing its own set of challenges. On July 8, the ACG hosted a special briefing with two ACG Board members to learn how global multinational companies have been affected by the coronavirus crisis. Wayne T. Smith is CEO and Chairman of BASF Corporation and has been a member of the Board of Executive Directors of BASF SE since 2012. Julie Linn Teigland is EY’s Managing Partner for the EMEIA region (Europe, Middle East, India, and Africa) and EY Global Leader – Women. Fast forward.

Social distancing requirements have abruptly put a halt to most cultural events. While museums and libraries in some communities in the United States and in Europe slowly start to re-open, concerts, performances, and many other cultural events are being cancelled for the rest of the year. On July 7, the ACG and 1014 hosted a virtual discussion with Elke Buhr, Chief Editor of Monopol, Germany’s largest contemporary art magazine, and Adrian Ellis, Chairman of the Global Cultural Districts Network and Founder/Director of AEA Consulting, on the unique challenges facing the arts and culture in this unprecedented time.

On July 1, Germany assumed the six-month rotating Presidency of the European Council. Germany takes on this role at a critical juncture for the European Union. The public health and economic implications of the corona crisis, Brexit and European cohesion, and the state of the transatlantic relationship are only some of the issues on the agenda. What is expected of Germany in 2020? This ACG hosted a discussion about Germany and the future of Europe with Dr. Ulrike Guérot, Head of the Department for European Policy and the Study of Democracy at the Danube University in Krems (Austria) and the founder of the European Democracy Lab in Berlin.

The corona crisis is affecting almost every aspect of civil society. It is having an impact on individuals, families, and organizations – with long-lasting reverberations for the institutions that shape civil society. Against the backdrop of simultaneous public health and economic crises, there are demands for greater social equity. What does civil society need to address the current challenges? How can institutions and practices adapt to best serve their communities? Practitioners and experts from Germany and the United States will take on these and other questions. On June 30, the ACG and 1014 hosted a video discussion with Brian Gallagher, President and Chief Executive Officer of United Way Worldwide, and Dr. Andreas Rickert, Founder and CEO of PHINEO.

COVID19 revealed weaknesses in the digital infrastructure of both the United States and Germany; including lack of broadband internet, access to computers, and basic technology skills. On Friday, June 26, hosted a conversation about digitalization and cities – during and after the pandemic. Drawing on alumni from ACG programs, speakers include Sunanna Chand, Vice President of Systems Reinvention at Teach for America, Bruce Clark, Executive Director at Digital Charlotte; and Devin Dienes, Project Manager at Digitalstadt Darmstadt.

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