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Video Discussions

The spread of COVID-19 and the ensuing global lock-down as governments try to slow the spread of the corona virus has tested individuals and institutions around the world. Since March of 2020, the ACG has stepped up its digital programming by hosting webinars and video discussions which bring together policy makers and thought leaders from both sides of the Atlantic to discuss some of the key issues shaping transatlantic relations in an unprecedented time. In addition to organizing events on its own, the ACG has also partnered with other organizations such as 1014 and Atlantik-Brücke to launch new series designed to reach beyond the ACG community.

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On October 20 the ACG hosted a discussion with German journalists Annett Meiritz, U.S. Correspondent for Handelsblatt, and Juliane Schäuble, U.S. Correspondent of Der Tagesspiegel, about the U.S. midterms – and how the election is being perceived in Europe.

On November 8, the ACG hosted a virtual discussion with Noah Barkin, Senior Visiting Fellow at the German Marshall Fund and Managing Editor at Rhodium Group, about Germany’s evolving position on China.

On November 7, the ACG hosted a Kaffeepause with Berlin Correspondent for Die Zeit, Petra Pinzler (2010 Kellen Fellow).

On November 1, the ACG held a virtual discussion on the multitude of challenges facing Europe today with Dr. Jana Puglierin, Senior Policy Fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations and head of its Berlin office.

The ACG regularly hosts a discussion with a journalist based in Germany on the topics making the headlines and shaping political discourse. On October 24 hosted a Kaffeepause with radio journalist and podcast host Dr. Esme Nicholson.

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