The Seattle Warburg Chapter, founded in 2012, brings together individuals interested in the transatlantic relationship through policy discussions and lectures.
The Chapter has close ties to the German American Chamber of Commerce, the Greater Seattle Chamber of Commerce and Trade Development Alliance, the German Heritage Society, Arion Gesangverein, Enzian Schuhplattler, Seattle Opera, Seattle Symphony, Orchestra Seattle, Seattle Chamber Singers, and Jewish organizations like Stroum Jewish Community Center, American Jewish Committee, and Music of Remembrance. It also partners with the Seattle World Affairs Council.
The Chapter has hosted speakers such as Matthew Karnitschnig, POLITICO Chief Europe Correspondent; Dr. Cornelia Schu, Managing Director and Director of the Research Unit and Expert Council German Foundations on Integration and Migration (SVR); Benjamin Rohe, CEO at MONARCH; Anja Wehler-Schoeck, President of the Amman Office of the German Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.
About the Chapter Director
Petra Heussner-Walker
Honorary Consul of the
Federal Republic of Germany
Petra Heussβner-Walker was born in Wuppertal and met her husband, Don Walker, while working in a bank in Cologne. She moved to Washington State in 1986. She served as a member of the Advisory Board of the Department of Germanics at the University of Washington, and is a former Board Chair. She has also been a member of the German American Chamber of Commerce. She works closely with the German Consulate in San Francisco. In 2006, she received the German-American Friendship Award and in 2007, she was named Honorary Consul of Germany. In 2014, she was awarded the Bundesverdienstkreuz, the German Medal of Merit. Since 2013, she has been a Board Member of Music of Remembrance.