Nirgendwo auf der Erde ist das Geflecht aus Geld, Macht und Medien so eng wie in Washington. Solange sich alle Beteiligten an die Spielregeln hielten, ging das einigermaßen gut. Mit Donald Trump wird...
Europe and the United States face three main challenges together. As a new Congress convenes and Donald Trump becomes the new president of the United States, it is important that...
The end of one year and the beginning of a new year offers the opportunity to reflect on the past and to consider what might lie ahead. In the context...
In September, six German local government professionals representing different cities participated in the launch of the ACG’s McCloy Leadership Mission on Urban Affairs. Building on a long history of conducting…
2016 marks the 40th Anniversary of the American Council on Germany’s Fellowships Program. With over 1100 participants, the fellowships have become a cornerstone of the ACG. The foundation of the…