Rund die Hälfte der Deutschen und der Amerikaner sehen die gemeinsame westliche Wertebasis schwinden. Das ist das Ergebnis einer repräsentativen Umfrage des Meinungsforschungsinstituts Yougov im Auftrag der Atlantik-Brücke und des American...
One weekend last June, in an auditorium in the German city of Karlsruhe, the philosopher Peter Sloterdijk celebrated his seventieth birthday by listening to twenty lectures about himself. A cluster...
Ambassador John B. Emerson was elected as Chairman of the American Council on Germany on January 17, 2018. Q: What first made you become interested in Germany? A: My grandmother was...
Former U.S. Ambassador to Germany Named as Chairman of the American Council on Germany Ambassador John B. Emerson, Vice Chairman at Capital Group International and former U.S. Ambassador to Germany,...
On December 14, the ACG hosted a Hot Topics Call with Jacob Poushter, Senior Researcher from Pew Research Center, on how Germans and Americans view their countries relationship. Listen here