Resilience and Adaptation: Rethinking Civil Society

The corona crisis is affecting almost every aspect of civil society. It is having an impact on individuals, families, and organizations – with long-lasting reverberations for the institutions that shape civil society. Against the backdrop of simultaneous public health and economic crises, there are calls for greater social equity. What does civil society need to...

The European Council Presidency: Can Germany Bring Europe Together?

On July 1, Germany will assume the six-month rotating Presidency of the European Council. Germany takes on this role at a critical juncture for the European Union. The public health and economic implications of the corona crisis, Brexit and European cohesion, and the state of the transatlantic relationship are only some of the issues on...

Resilience and Adaptation: Culture and the Corona Crisis

Social distancing requirements have abruptly put a halt to most cultural events. While museums and libraries in some communities in the United States and in Europe slowly start to re-open, concerts, performances, and many other cultural events are being cancelled for the rest of the year. How can cultural institutions survive under such circumstances –...

Resilience and Adaptation: Media and the Corona Crisis

ournalism and the media play an indispensable role in democracies – especially in times of crisis. How can journalists keep the public informed about the world around them in the midst of a lock-down and with social distancing in place? How can they gather information for their reporting and opinion pieces? And, how does one...

A Bastille Day Discussion: Emmanuel Macron, France, and Europe’s Place in the World

The American Council on Germany is delighted to partner with the Los Angeles World Affairs Council & Townhall to host a conversation with ACG Chairman Ambassador John B. Emerson, Vice Chairman at Capital Group International, and former ACG President William M. Drozdiak, nonresident senior fellow at The Brookings Institution’s Center on the United States and Europe and a senior advisor...