A Conversation between Charlotte and Krefeld

The American Council on Germany has launched a new series of online meetings titled  Transatlantic Town Halls: German-American Mayors Forum, held under the auspices of WunderbarTogether USA 2020, a comprehensive and collaborative initiative funded by the German Federal Foreign Office and implemented by the Goethe-Institut. A Conversation between Charlotte and Krefeld with Mayor Vi Lyles and Lord Mayor Frank...

Digitale Souveränität der USA – wer bestimmt den nächsten Präsidenten?

Experten und Geheimdienste warnen: Der US-Wahlkampf könnte noch anfälliger für Störversuche sein als der aus dem Jahr 2016. Die Angreifer haben aufgerüstet und versuchen, auch durch Influencer in den sozialen Medien Einfluss zu nehmen. Die Regulierung solcher Veröffentlichungen gestaltet sich jedoch schwierig. Digitale Wahlsysteme sind erschreckend anfällig für Angriffe und Manipulationen. Für die Glaubwürdigkeit der...

A Conversation between St. Louis and Stuttgart

The American Council on Germany has launched a new series of online meetings titled  Transatlantic Town Halls: German-American Mayors Forum, held under the auspices of WunderbarTogether USA 2020, a comprehensive and collaborative initiative funded by the German Federal Foreign Office and implemented by the Goethe-Institut.   A Conversation between St. Louis and Stuttgart with Mayor Lyda Krewson and Lord...

Resilience and Adaptation: Migration Policy in Europe and the United States

Border closures, regional lock-downs, and layoffs of migrant workers due to the pandemic have impacted the movement of people – and fundamentally changed the nature of global migration. What are the repercussions of the inability of migrant workers to travel to agricultural fields or other places of work? Will public opinion toward migrants change for...

A World in Danger: The Future of US-European Relations

"A World in Danger: The Future of US-European Relations" with Ambassador Wolfgang Ischinger Chairman of the Munich Security Conference, and former German Ambassador to the United States Ambassador Christopher Hill WorldDenver Board Member, and former U.S. Ambassador to Iraq, Macedonia, Poland, and South Korea Tuesday, October 27, 2020 1:00 - 2:00 pm ET Ambassador Wolfgang Ischinger (1978 ACG...