On the Ground in Kyiv: A Report from Ukraine

Tensions between Russia and Ukraine are spiraling as Russian forces gather along the border and Russia is targeting Ukrainian government agencies with cyberattacks. Meanwhile, Europe and the United States are trying to develop a collective response to Russia’s aggression and to deter a further invasion of Ukraine. Last week a group of German parliamentarians visited...

Kaffeepause: What’s Abuzz in Berlin?

Each week, the ACG hosts a discussion with a journalist based in Germany on the topics making the headlines and shaping political discourse in Berlin. Join us on Monday, January 31 at 9:00 am ET for a Kaffeepause with Melissa Eddy, Berlin Correspondent for the New York Times. Among other topics, she will discuss Germany’s response to growing tensions...

Germany’s Response to the Ukraine Crisis

Although the United States and its European allies still hope diplomacy can avert a conflict with Russia over Ukraine, it is not clear how united the west is in its response to the unfolding crisis. It was widely reported that the United Kingdom sent aircraft carrying weapons bound for Ukraine “around” Germany and that Germany...

Kaffeepause: What’s Abuzz in Berlin?

Each week, the ACG hosts a discussion with a journalist based in Germany on the topics making the headlines and shaping political discourse in Berlin. Join us on Monday, February 7 at 9:00 am ET for a Kaffeepause with opinion writer for Der Tagesspiegel Malte Lehming, who will discuss what to expect from Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s trip to Washington and other breaking...

Mr. Scholz’s Comes to Washington: What Did We Learn?

Early next week, Olaf Scholz will make his first trip to Washington DC as Chancellor. Foreign policy will be high on the agenda in his meetings at the White House, on Capitol Hill, and elsewhere. Scholz’s trip comes as tensions are flaring between Russia and the West over Ukraine and the Olympics in China get...