Denver: Germany and the EU’s China Policy: Analysis, Assessment, and Areas for Competition and Cooperation with the U.S.

The Denver Warburg Chapter and the Denver Council on Foreign Relations (DFCR) will host a discussion and reception with Dr. May-Britt Stumbaum, Director of the NFG Research Group on Asian Perceptions of the EU at the Free University of Berlin and Team Leader of the EU's Asia Pacific and Research Network by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Chatham...

NYC: Regional Visioning: Transforming City Regions and Public Participation

The American Council on Germany, the German Center for Research and Innovation, and the University Alliance Ruhr will hold panel discussion Ullrich Sierau, Mayor of the City of Dortmund; Jamie Bemis, Mechanical Engineer and City Planner and Account Manager at Bright Power, Inc. (2017 ACG McCloy Fellow on Global Trends); Wolfram Hoefer, Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Landscape Architecture...

Washington, DC: The Alliance in Question? The Transatlantic Relationship in an Era of Disruption

The American Council on Germany and the Atlantik-Brücke will host the annual German-American Conference in Washington, DC.  Over the past year, the strong alliance between the United States and Germany has weakened as both countries have been more inwardly focused. Finding common ground to address common concerns has become more challenging. In an era of...

Phoenix: 2018 White Asparagus Gala Dinner

The Phoenix Warburg Chapter and the German American Chamber of Commerce will host the 2018 White Asparagus Gala Dinner. There is a $129 charge to attend. RSVP here by May 5.  This exclusive event showcases a German delicacy, white asparagus, harvested at Spargelhof Schulze in Germany. The white asparagus will make its way over to...