NYC: End of an Era? Transatlantic Relations in the Age of Trump

The American Council on Germany and Deutsches Haus at NYU will host a discussion and lunch with James Kirchick, Journalist, Visiting Fellow at the Brookings Institution, and Author of The End of Europe: Dictators, Demagogues, and the Coming Dark Age There is no charge to attend this event. You must register in order to attend...

Charlotte: Developing Advanced Work-Based Higher Education – What Germany and the U.S. Can Learn from Each Other

The Charlotte Warburg Chapter will host a discussion and luncheon with Prof. Dr. Lukas Graf, Assistant Professor of Educational Governance at the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin.  There will be no charge for ACG Members and a $15 charge for nonmembers to attend this event. RSVP here by June 14. Prof. Dr. Lukas Graf is Assistant Professor of Educational Governance...

Atlanta: Developing Advanced Work-Based Higher Education – What Germany and the U.S. Can Learn from Each Other

The Atlanta Warburg Chapter and the German American Chamber of Commerce - South will host a breakfast discussion with Prof. Dr. Lukas Graf, Assistant Professor of Educational Governance at the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin. There will be no charge for GACC and ACG members and a $15 charge for nonmembers to attend this event. RSVP here by...

NYC: Transatlantic Dissonance: Reporting from Both Sides of the Atlantic

The American Council on Germany will be hosting a discussion and luncheon as part of the Garrick Utley Memorial Lecture Series on Global Media Issues with Dr. Christoph von Marschall, 2017/2018 Helmut Schmidt Fellow and Chief Diplomatic Correspondent of Der Tagesspiegel (1999 ACG Kellen Fellow) There is a $45.00 charge for members to attend. RSVP (acceptances only)...