Berlin: Young Leader Alumni Reception

The ACG and Atlantik-Brücke will host a Young Leader Alumni Reception in Berlin.  More information:

Berlin: Cybersecurity: A Challenge for Germany and the United States

Panel Diskussion & Empfang der Freunde des American Council on Germany e.V. Diskussionsteilnehmer: Kim Zetter Journalistin, spezialisiert in Cybersecurity und Nationale Sicherheit, Autorin von “Countdown to Zero Day: Stuxnet and the Launch of the World’s First Digital Weapon” _ Isabel Skierka (angefragt) Beraterin und Forscherin im Bereich Cybersecurity und Digital Policy, ESMT Berlin und Global Public...

Media(R)evolution Talk: Newsroom Culture and ‘Culture Wars’: Journalism, Diversity, and Changing Societies

The economic basis of journalism is eroding, journalistic structures are breaking away, and at the same time media are under increased social scrutiny: literally. In many places, journalistic offerings are achieving record coverage and audience figures. But they have long lost their role as (largely) unquestioned brokers of information and knowledge. While conspiracy theories are...

The FUTURE FORUM: Building Biopolis

Cities are causing climate change. They consume the most resources, emit pollution, and produce tons of waste. At the same time, cities are also severely threatened by the climate crisis. As innovation hubs, rich in influence and intellectual and creative potential, cities are key players in the fight against climate change. “Cities are where the...