Philadelphia: In the Shadows of Reunification: The Treuhand and the Legacy of Privatization in the Former GDR

The Philadelphia Warburg Chapter will host a discussion and reception with Dr. Marcus Böick, Professor of Contemporary History at Ruhr University Bochum, on "In the Shadows of Reunification: The Treuhand and the Legacy of Privatization in the Former GDR." Dr. Marcus Böick teaches contemporary history at Ruhr University Bochum, where he studied history, political science, and...

Kansas City, MO: Populism and Nationalism on the Rise: A German Perspective

The ACG and the International Relations Council will host a discussion and dinner with Stefan Schlüter, Program Director at the Diplomatic Academy of the German Foreign Office in Berlin. Please RSVP here by October 23. Stefan Schlüter served in the German Foreign Office until the summer of 2017 and is now a Program Director at the Diplomatic...

Austin: Populism and Nationalism on the Rise: A German Perspective

The ACG and the World Affairs Council of Austion will host a discussion and dinner with Dr. Stefan Schlüter.  Dr. Schlüter has been engaged with the Jewish community for many years and strongly believes German diplomats have an obligation to reach out to Jewish communities due to the legacy of the Holocaust. After studying political...

Hilton Head Island: US and German Relations Post 1989

The ACG, the World Affairs Council of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, and the World Affairs Councils of America will host a discussion with Ambassador Peter Ammon, former German Ambassador to France, the USA, and the UK.  30 years have passed since the heady days of German re-unification. The generation whose world-view was shaped by...

Dallas: Populism and Nationalism on the Rise: A German Perspective

The Dallas Warburg Chapter and the AJC Dallas will host a discussion and lunch with Stefan Schlüter, Program Director at the Diplomatic Academy of the German Foreign Office in Berlin.  There will be a $20 charge to attend this event. Please RSVP here by October 23. Stefan Schlüter served in the German Foreign Office until...