Leveraging Innovation and Technology for National Security

The ACG will host a discussion on hybrid war in the 21st century followed by a reception with Wendy R. Anderson, Senior Vice President, Federal, National Security at Palantir Technologies; Liesyl Franz, Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Cyberspace Security in the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Cyberspace and Digital Policy; Christopher Sharrock, Vice President of United Nations and...

Endless War in Ukraine and Global Security

The ACG and KPMG International will host a breakfast briefing with Jane Harman, Distinguished Fellow and President Emerita of the Wilson Center and former Member of Congress, and Lieutenant General Ben Hodges; Senior Advisor at Human Rights First and Retired Commanding General of the United States Army Europe; and moderated by Ambassador John B. Emerson, former U.S. Ambassador to...

The Russian-Ukraine War and European Security: Defense and Deterrence 2023

In cooperation with the Aspen Institute Germany, Berlin Dialogue, and the German-American Exchange, the ACG will host an off-the-record discussion with Heather Conley, President of the German Marshall Fund of the United States; NATO Secretary General Mircea Geona; Ambassador Oleksii Makeiev, Ukrainian Embassy Berlin; and Minister of State Tobias Lindner, Federal Foreign Office.

Land of the Free? Wie der Kampf um die Freiheit Amerikas Zukunft bestimmt

Der American Council on Germany und Freunde des ACG werden ein Frühstück und eine Diskussion mit Julian Heißler, Washington Korrespondent der WirtschaftsWoche und Autor von Traum und Albtraum: Amerika und die vielen Gesichter der Freiheit.Julian Heiβler, Jahrgang 1983, berichtet seit Januar 2018 für die WirtschaftsWoche aus Washington DC. Zuvor schrieb er mehrere Jahre in Berlin...