In late November, senior representatives from Germany’s Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) gathered for a secret meeting with neo-Nazis and other like-minded individuals to discuss Germany’s migration policy and who should count as being German. They developed a plan to expel millions of people from Germany. Critics have compared the meeting to the Wannsee Conference.
The story broke on January 10, when journalists from CORRECTIV released a report on the meeting and its attendees. Since then, many German cities have seen anti-fascist protests. Government leaders – including the Chancellor – have spoken out against the meeting, and some have called for the expulsion of the AfD from the Bundestag.
Join us on January 24 at 11:00 am ET for a virtual discussion with CORRECTIV Editor-in-Chief Justus von Daniels, who was a member of the investigative team behind the story.
Dr. Justus von Daniels (2016 Kellen Fellow) serves as Editor-in-Chief for the news organization CORRECTIV. In 2015, he joined CORRECTIV as an investigative reporter. He has contributed to multiple award-winning projects.
In 2015 and 2016, he was the only journalist who sat in front of the door during secret Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiations. He would get kicked out of the building only to come back again, until finally, the negotiators talked to him.
Since 2019, he has been Editor-in-Chief of CORRECTIV, alongside Olaya Argüeso. In addition to investigating the secret channels of lobbyists and illegal party donations, he developed the idea of citizen research, which led to the development of the crowdsourcing tool CrowdNewsroom.
Dr. von Daniels studied law and completed a legal traineeship. He received the Humboldt Prize for his dissertation about Jewish Law at Humboldt University in Berlin. He spent two years as a postdoc at Princeton University and in New York as a German research community scholar. In 2016, he was awarded a Kellen Fellowship by the American Council on Germany.