In March, the Social Democrats were able to win by a wide margin in state elections in the Saarland, a small state on the border of France and Luxembourg. Earlier this month, voters in the northern state of Schleswig-Holstein gave the Christian Democrats an election victory. The Greens also did well – but the Free Democrats and especially the Social Democrats lost ground. This weekend voters in Germany’s most populous state North-Rhine Westphalia will take to the polls. The situation in each state is different – but these elections serve as a referendum on the leadership of Chancellor Olaf Scholz and his Ampelkoalition. The election results at the state level can serve as a stress test for the mood within the coalition – but can the results at the state level change the balance of power within the governing coalition?
Join us for a discussion about what the state elections mean for the governing coalition with journalist Paul-Anton Krüger, Parliamentary Correspondent in the Berlin Bureau of the Süddeutsche Zeitung, on May 18 at 11 am ET.