The Philadelphia Warburg Chapter will host a discussion and reception with Dr. Marcus Böick, Professor of Contemporary History at Ruhr University Bochum, on “In the Shadows of Reunification: The Treuhand and the Legacy of Privatization in the Former GDR.”
Dr. Marcus Böick teaches contemporary history at Ruhr University Bochum, where he studied history, political science, and social psychology. His main interests are German and European contemporary and economic history – with a particular focus on structural change. His recent books include Die Treuhand. Idee – Praxis – Erfahrung 1990-1994 (2018), Wahrnehmung und Bewertung der Arbeit der Treuhandanstalt (2017), and Marketization/Vermarktlichung (2015). His new research project focuses on the emergence of the private security industry in Germany and the United States.